Each of Us is a Facet on the Diamond of Humanity

There are moments in my life where I drop to my knees in complete awe of the beauty and potential for Humanity. Even as a child, I’ve always seen Humanity as a single Diamond held in a space of enormous potential and love. Each person I meet is a unique facet on the One Diamond. To view this purity means to meet each moment and person with a sense of curiosity with no preconceived judgement. I can think… Wow, another expression of Humanity! Each facet is unique, yet never alone, always intertwined and intermingled. Then, in a sacred holding, to see the billions of facets of brilliancy as One that shines so bright! This Beauty!

Having left this body once and returned, knowing what can and cannot be accomplished in a human body, I wish I could scream so loud this message and penetrate into each human cell on Earth: ‘You have a unique placement, born to shine the light through your heart facet! It’s a precious life and a worthy one - you matter! BE the Gift - you are alive NOW - perfect timing for the world to receive!’

Each of us has a Gift and Purpose. We came here to grow, learn, offer this Gift and BE our Purpose. In this one short human life we have the opportunity to cultivate and master its music. The spiritual journey is one we embark upon when we are ready to dive deeply into the Inner Knowing of this Gift and Purpose. Once we can dedicate our life towards this goal, we begin to find greater peace, harmony, ease and flow in our life.

Take a moment and quiet the mind which is usually busy with thoughts and distractions. For five minutes, allow yourself to take a break and relax. Don’t replay the past - it’s done. Don’t worry about the future - it’s not here. With each breath in, breathe in newness and with each out-breath release tension, worry, and any thought that arises (good or bad - does not matter - release it). Allow the mind to focus on the heart center of your body; allow the breath to come in and out. Allow. Be alive. Simply Be.

We are each the principle Violinist in this great Orchestra we call Humanity. As we each shine our light, the harmony of humanity awakens, vibrations are lifted, the sparkle of many colors shimmers — perfected beauty like the fragrance of a rose and the sweetness of honey.

May you know you are worthy - your Gift matters - shine!